What Happens When God Shows Up

Isaiah 43:2 (NLT) When you go through deep waters, I will be with you.  When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown.  When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you. Deuteronomy 31:8 (NLT) Do not be afraid or discouraged, forContinue reading “What Happens When God Shows Up”

Trusting In God Fully

  Hello Mighty Warriors of the Faith!  Today I find myself in a different place.  Change has happened in my life.  Change is hard and we don’t like it especially when it goes against the norm.  But, we must remember always that God is in control.  This is what I’m learning.  So I wanted toContinue reading “Trusting In God Fully”

Let Me Praise Him With Everything

Good morning mighty warriors of the faith. Today I want to remind you and encourage you of the goodness that is in our Lord. God is a great God, and there is nothing that is too big for God to handle, no news to great, no battle too hard to overcome. I’m here to remind you thatContinue reading “Let Me Praise Him With Everything”

In The Shadow of The Almighty

Good morning mighty warriors of the faith. If you live in Texas like I do, you know that the weather can change really fast. There is a saying here in Texas that says, “wait 5 minutes and the weather will change”.  One thing we are known for is our hot summers. But one thing isContinue reading “In The Shadow of The Almighty”

God Will Protect You

Good morning mighty warriors of the faith. Today I want to share with you about God’s protection. In the stress of life or in the trials of life many of us feel vulnerable and we try to protect ourselves, but I want to encourage you today of the promise that is found in God’s word that GodContinue reading “God Will Protect You”

Hold On To Christ

Good morning mighty warriors of the faith.  Today let us hold on to Christ. In my quiet time with God and in my devotional studies God has begin to show me what his heart’s desire is. His desire is that all come to him and love him and worship him. But I’m beginning to seeContinue reading “Hold On To Christ”

Take The Shield of Faith

  Text: Ephesians 6:10-16 Good morning Mighty Warriors of the Faith. I have asked this question, “how is your relationship with God”? The answer is always, “its great chaplain, I’m in the word and I pray all the time”! And in the same breath they say, “but I’m worried about this or that, or IContinue reading “Take The Shield of Faith”

Our God Reigns

Good morning mighty warriors of the faith.   I’m so excited for today, not because it’s Friday, but because it’s another day that the Lord has made. I want to encourage you and remind you today that Our Redeemer Lives! Praise the Lord for He reigns forever. In life we should never feel down because weContinue reading “Our God Reigns”

2015 in review

Let’s just Praise The Lord!  Woohoo.  All I want to do is show people how to follow God and have a great relationship with him despite of what is happening in their life.  And how to trust him fully. The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2015 annual report for this blog. Here’s an excerpt:Continue reading “2015 in review”

Walk In The Way of Love

Yesterday we talked about being holy. Today I want to share with you our greatest example to live that type of life. You see a Christian is not a label that you wear, it’s not something that you put on one day and take off the other. Christianity is a way of life, because weContinue reading “Walk In The Way of Love”